Legal Aspects
Buying CBD products has become easier than ever before. It’s important to know what the laws are per your state. Your patient’s particular CBD, THC, or Delta 8, CBD vehicle (vape, tincture, softgel, gummie, cream) may be legal on takeoff, but illegal at your patient’s destination. Your PharmaCentrix rep can fast track you on all the legal responsibilities and definitions your patients may face.
The legal status of CBD is a bit more complicated than just legal. CBD comes from hemp, which complies with federal law due to its low THC content (less than 0.3%).
Legal - Yes / No?
State laws surrounding CBD vary. In some states, it is legal, but with restrictions on where you can purchase or consume the product as well as personal amounts that can be carried or grown.
Hemp Farming & Legal Supression
The Hemp Farming Act, included in the 2018 Farm Bill is considered by many to be one of its most important victories for hemp commerce and cannabis research. This law effectively legalized hemp at the federal level and which means that products derived from hemp plant will no longer face the major historical legal challenges of previous decades, as consumer demand grows for CBD and its many benefits that relieve restless, ailing and aching bodies.
Status Stasis
Why wasn’t CBD always legal? There are many subjects, tendrils and theories surrounding hemp’s political history of the last 100 years. A major inflection point that changed hemp’s relationship with the world was in 1972, when then American President Richard Nixon changed marijuana’s previous casual classification to Schedule One, alongside the hardest drugs in the formulary. This abruptly ended hemp and CBD research for nearly 40 years.
CBD Awareness
The landscape around CBD is changing rapidly. Marijuana, hemp and CBD are becoming more accepted in traditional conservative cities as patients experience exciting indication solutions (often when mainstream medicine hasn’t worked).